Archive for Oktober, 2018

Love’n’Joy, 2.11., 20:00

Oktober 30th, 2018

loveLove’n’Joy – Bender on the silk road
Release Tour

Love’n’Joy, eine junge, ukrainische Band, die Indie-Rock und intelligenten Pop mit psychedelischen Sounds zu mischen weiß. Hauptsächlich mit Gitarrensounds erzeugt die Band Reminiszenzen an Musiker wie Jimi Hendrix oder Bands wie Led Zeppelin, ohne jedoch eine Eigenständigkeit vermissen zu lassen. Love’n’Joy vermittelt den Geist einer neuen und jungen ukrainischen Rockmusik.

Eintritt 8 Euro (Schüler und Studenten 5 Euro)

“The spirit of freedom which born on the southern shores of the Crimea (Ukraine).Warm psychedelic 60s and early ’70s cool notes of electronics. The fresh breeze of the sea and the stale air of the city, meditative fly deep into consciousness and dance enticing groove, romance and spirit of protest – it’s all about Love’n’Joy music.”

A band of young musicians from Ukraine that combine indie rock with intelligent pop and psychedelic sounds from 1970s. The band’s concept, largely based on guitars, is their trademark. Their music contains discernible sentiment towards the music icons of the hippie movement, such as Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin but they also express the spirit of a new, resurgent Ukrainian rock music.
The band have released EP and a singles collection. Today Love’n’Joy play a lot of concerts in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Austria, Czech and France. Finally, after long studio work, guys are ready to represent their first full album, that coming out this spring.

Love’n’Joy – psychedelic rock band from Ukraine